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Viral outbreaks in schools can happen quickly, putting students and staff at risk.

With students attending school in classrooms, it is necessary to have plans and policies to help prevent viral outbreaks and potential class closures. Students and teachers are often in close quarters and face growing classroom sizes, while living quarters on campus are similarly cramped. During outbreaks, not only are students, teachers and staff at risk, but so are the friends and family they see after school. Remote learning is not a sustainable solution for pathogen protection in schools. A truly effective air purification technology can help reduce viruses in the air and on surfaces, reducing the risk of transmission.


In addition to managing the COVID-19 pandemic, schools should consider the longer term risk of other pathogens that can lurk in the air and on surfaces:

  • Norovirus and other gastrointestinal viruses
  • Seasonal Influenza outbreaks
  • Future pandemics
Influenza (H1N1)
Norovirus and other gastrointestinal viruses
Chemical Fumes
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
Air Pollutants
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